We are manufacturers' representatives for the food service industry. We pride ourselves on our ability to market ourselves and the factories we represent exclusively throughout, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Our ability to take U.S. Manufactured products and apply them in an overseas environment has allowed us to be one of the premier representatives in our industry. To see Manufacturers' List click here.
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ColdZone is the world's leading supplier of refrigeration equipment specifically for the foodservice industries, with packaged remote systems to individual condensing units, saving energy and using ozone-friendly refrigerants in applications from the smallest to the largest.

Working with the leader has many advantages, not the least of which is having access to a highly competent staff with a wealth of experience. ColdZone is "Your Refrigeration Partner", offering design assistance and CAD drawings to consultants, designers, architects, contractors, and facility owners.

ColdZone equipment is sold worldwide through professional food service representatives and is operating efficiently in many fine restaurants, institutional kitchens, sports arenas, fast food outlets, convenience stores, and more...

Contact ColdZone or one of our sales representatives today so we can get started providing solutions to all your foodservice refrigeration needs.

Visit Website: http://www.coldzone.com

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Copyright 2003, Lumar & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. StarRaider Production